Following on from the release of the ECB roadmap for the return of cricket, the club is pleased to bring you the following update as we prepare for the 2021 season.
This update includes some key dates to make note of, including training, playing opportunities and net bookings, as well as procedures to be followed and respected, whilst at the club in order to follow Government and ECB guidelines.
Thanks to the hard work and dedication from the management committee last year, the club has a great platform to work from as the lengths we went to can be easily adapted towards this season's guidelines. Last year's efforts from all should not be forgotten and we should use that as a basis for this upcoming season both on and off the field.
Please see below for key dates and information
Senior Training
This got off to a fantastic start on Tuesday 20th March with the 1st and 2nd XI Squad training together and will continue on 1st April with the 3rd XI, Sunday 1st and 2nd XI Squad training.
Tuesday 6th April - 3rd XI, Sunday 1st and 2nd XI Squad training
Thursday 8th April - 1st and 2nd XI Squad training
Training will take place between 6-8 pm (light dependent). Team captains and managers shall be in touch regarding training for the appropriate evenings.
Saturday 10th April - Club Ground Force Day (AM) + 3rd XI followed by Sunday 1st and 2nd XI Inter Club Game (PM) - format TBC.
Sunday 11th April - 1st and 2nd XI Inter Club Game (PM) - format TBC.
Ground Force Day
The club's Ground Force Day will be a morning to 'tick off' a list of jobs that are required to be done before the season starts.
Richard Bishop and Rob Cook will organise the morning. Please note that this will be by invite only to enable us to align with both Government and ECB guidelines; jobs will be specifically allocated to maximise efficiency and to maintain social distancing.
If you would like to help on the morning of 10th April, please get in touch with either Bish or Cookie to let them know and you will be assigned a job.
Net Booking
We are delighted to announce that the nets will re-open from this weekend onwards.
As was the case last year, a booking will still need to be made via our Net Manager James Kempton, and both nets will be open for use.
When you arrive at the ground, please register your attendance via the NHS app by scanning your phone camera against the QR code.
We request that all members are reminded of the below key points:
- Maintain social distancing.
- Do not share equipment.
- Bring your own sanitiser.
- Toilets not available.
- No parking on site.
Sanitisation of the nets will take place daily, but household disinfectant spray and hand sanitiser will be available at the nets for your use.
Please note, for the most part, there will no longer be aby on-site monitoring.
Please contact James on 07791 547235 to book your slot and then confirm via email to
We thank you for your patience in allowing the committee to bring you this update, and trust that you are as excited as we are to see cricket back at the Lindum once again.
Please note that all members are expected to adhere to guidelines across all training, playing and social scenarios.
All training and pre-season games will follow current ECB guidelines and competitive fixtures will do the same until the club is notified of any changes to these guidelines.